Thursday, November 8, 2018


Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), records radio transmissions and sounds in the cockpit, including pilot's voices and engine noises.
Watch our video -

How to Know Your Plane Part 1

Flight Data Recorder (FDR), records the flight parameters such as altitude, airspeed heading and engines performance data.
Currently it records for only two hours and overwrites - means it records only last two hours of flight.
Each recorder is equipped with an Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) called a "pinger", to locate the recorder in the event of crash over water.
ULB is activated when it becomes immersed into water.
It transmits an acoustical signal for 30 days for a distance of maximum 2 km.
The beacon can transmit from depths down to 14,000 feet.
Watch our video -

Horses Training in Al Khisa Qatar

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